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How to connect if using 3G or connect to office computers?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 1:24 am
by HanaMobile
If you are trying to connect to your office Mac computer or your Mac is behind a router, and your iPhone/iPad is not on the same local network, for example, using 3G when out of home. You need to modify router settings to add port forwarding to forward port 5900 to your Mac.
(1) Go to
(2) Find your router type and click on it
(3) You might see an ads, click on the top right "Click here to skip this advertisement..." if you do not want to download the software
(4) Follow the instructions to configure your router (You might need to establish a dual protocol for both UDP (do UDP first) & TCP)
(5) After configuration, go to
click "vnc" on the right and check whether the port is open or not
(6) You should see it's open and then you can create a new setting entry in the app and use the IP you saw in step (5). Note you need to create a new entry with the external IP.

(1) Make sure your router's firewall is not blocking the port 5900. You can temporarily disable router's firewall and give it a try. Note you need to re-enable the firewall and only allow port 5900 to go through.